Oriya keyboard | Oriya examples | Switches


ଅ=a, ଆ=A,aa, ଇ=i, ଈ=I,ee, ଉ=u, ଊ=U,oo, ଋ=Ru, ୠ=RU, ଏ=e,E, ଐ=ai,oi, ଓ=o,O, ଔ=au,ou


ଁ = ~M

ଂ = M

ଃ = H



କ=k, ଖ=K,kh, ଗ=g, ଘ=G,gh, ଙ=~g

ଚ=c,ch, ଛ=C,Ch, ଜ=j, ଝ=J,jh, ଞ=~j

ଟ=T, ଠ=Th, ଡ=D, ଢ=Dh, ଣ=N

ତ=t, ଥ=th, ଦ=d, ଧ=dh, ନ=n

ପ=p, ଫ=P,ph, ବ=b, ଭ=B,bh, ମ=m


ଯ=Y, ୟ=y, ର=r, ଲ=l, ଵ=v, ୱ=w, ଶ=S,sh, ଷ=Sh, ସ=s, ହ=h,~h, ଳ=L





ଜ୍ଞ = j~ja

କ୍ଷ = kSha

କ୍ୟ = kya (YA PHALA)



ଽ = &

₹ = Rs

ZWJ = ^

ZWNJ = ^^


Punctuation Marks:

The English symbols [ ] { } ( ) - + * / = ; : . , " ? ! % \ ~ _ | # $ convert to the same symbols in Oriya also.


Quotation Marks:

` ' characters are converted to single smart quotes (‘ ’) characters. We can get double smart quotes (“ ”) by using them twice.

When a consonant character is followed by a vowel character, it results in a live consonant.


ka kA ki kI ku kU kRu kRU ke kai ko kau kaM kaH

କ କା କି କୀ କୁ କୂ କୃ କୠ କେ କୈ କୋ କୌ କଂ କଃ

mu~M jaNe bhAratIY.

ମୁଁ ଜଣେ ଭାରତୀଯ.



In the Oriya phonetic keyboard, an implicit 'a' matra is assumed for the last consonant of the word.



k,c,T,t,p --> ka,ca,Ta,ta,pa -->କ,ଚ,ଟ,ତ,ପ


When two or more consecutive consonants appear in the input, they make a conjunct. The first consonant takes the full form and the following consonants become half forms.



sAPTwEr = ସାଫ୍ଟ୍ୱେର

rAjkumAr = ରାଜ୍କୁମାର


‘ହ’ consonant can be written in two ways; 'h' and '~h'. If you want to apply a ‘ହ’ half consonant to consonants such as 'k', 'g', 't', 'd', etc, you have to use '~h' instead of of 'h'.



bakkiMghAm = ବକ୍କିଂଘାମ

bakkiMg~hAm = ବକ୍କିଂଗ୍ହାମ




^ = ZWJ (zero width joiner)

^^ = ZWNJ (zero width non joiner)


If a dead consonant (consonant with halant symbol) is required in the middle of a word, the ZWJ or ZWNJ character should be used after the consonant.



rAjkumAr = ରାଜ୍କୁମାର

rAj^kumAr = ରାଜ୍‍କୁମାର


If two English characters are making one Oriya vowel (ex: ai, ou), then, ZWJ or ZWNJ character can be used to separate them into different vowels.



iMDiYainPo = ଇଂଡିଯୈନ୍ଫୋ

iMDiYa^inPo = ଇଂଡିଯ‍ଇନ୍ଫୋ